Sikh Sarbloh Kara Har Maidan Fateh Black Kada Gold Engraving Singh Kaur Bangle S13 - Engraved Har Maidan Fateh in Gold colour on one side Gurmukhi other side Smooth Chakri Kada (Colour is Black - engraving is in Gold colour)

Kara Design Ref: S13
Width of Kara is approx. 7.5mm
Thickness of Chakri from Inner side to Outer Edge is approx. 13mm
Weight approx. 110-155g (Variable due to different sizes)

Black colour of this Kara is obtained by keeping Kara in Furnace for longer.
ਹਰ ਮੈਦਾਨ ਫਤਿਹ  (Har Maidan Fateh) and ਅੜੇ ਸੋ ਝੜੇ (Arhe So Jharay) is beautifully engraved by Laser on one side of this kara as shown in photos - non allergic to skin. On other side Gurmukhi Punjabi Alphabet (Painti) is engraved,
ੳ Ura ਅ Era ੲ Iri ਸ Sussa Sa ਹ Haha Ha ਕ Kukka Ka ਖ Khukha Kha ਗ Gugga Ga ਘ Ghugga Gha ਙ Ungga Nga ਚ Chucha Ca ਛ Chhuchha Cha ਜ Jujja Ja ਝ Jhujja Jha ਞ Yanza Nya ਟ Tainka Tta ਠ Thutha Ttha ਡ Dudda Dda ਢ Dhudda Ddha ਣ Nahnha Nna ਤ Tutta Ta ਥ Thutha Tha ਦ Duda Da ਧ Dhuda Dha ਨ Nunna Na ਪ Puppa Pa ਫ Phupha Pha ਬ Bubba Ba ਭ Bhubba Bha ਮ Mumma Ma ਯ Yaiyya Ya ਰ Rara Ra ਲ Lulla La ਵ Vava Va ੜ Rahrha R

This kara is Unisex and is suitable to wear for both Men and Women

On one side of this kara is engraved ਹਰ ਮੈਦਾਨ ਫਤਿਹ  (Victorious in every Field) and ਅੜੇ ਸੋ ਝੜੇ (who confronts khalsa falls)

Kara can also be cleaned with kitchen towel to remove dirt and retain shine.
Kara sizes written in Variation list are the inner diameter of the kara in centimetres. If you are not sure of your bangle size please message and we send you photos showing how to find your kara size.
Brilliant finish and very decorative. Ideal gift item for loved ones on all occasions.

Colour of item may slightly vary due to camera flash and light conditions. Some Kara may have negligible small black grinding mark on the kara joint. This is always seen on all kara from Amritsar as most of the Kara making/shaping work is done by hands with traditional methods. However, this will not affect the quality/look of Kara.
Ethnic & Regional Style: Asian
Main Material/ Metal: Sarbloh
Type: Bangles
Main Colour: Black
MPN: S13
Gender: Unisex
Country/Region of Manufacture: India
Modified Item: No
Certification: OnlineSikhStore
Main Stone: No Stone