Very nice unused book.
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Product description: Thirty-five million Americans are over 65 years of age. Many of these elderly people have lost some or all of their closest associates: spouses die, children become adults, friends no longer call. Without their canine companions, a significant number of seniors would live entirely alone. The American Veterinary Medical Association, the Delta Society: Health Benefits of Animals, and physicians that specialize in geriatrics attest to the fact that the mental and physical health of older Americans is enhanced by the human-animal bond. Everybody tells seniors to keep their dogs. Nobody tells them how to do it. The Senior's Guide to Dog Ownership is written specifically to bridge the literary gap between successful dog ownership and issues of the elderly, and to provide the answers that will allow seniors to keep their cherished companions. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Myrna L. Papurt is a graduate of the College of Veterinary Medicine, Ohio State University. During more than 30 years of veterinary practice, Dr. Papurt has dealt with the medical and behavioral concerns of thousands of dogs, cats, and other animals. She is the author of Saved A Guide to Success with your Shelter Dog, Compatible Canines, and Hand Raising the Orphaned Kitten (Barron's Educational Series). She is also the co-author of The Dog's Drugstore (St. Martin's Press). Dr. Papurt has served on the Board of Directors of the Geauga Humane Society since 1988, and she conducts a feral cat trap-neuter-release program at Rescue Village, the shelter of the Geauga Humane Society in Geauga County, Ohio. She has trained and competed with several breeds of dogs in AKC bench shows and obedience trials, and she has trained and handled Labradorand Golden retrievers in AKC licensed field trials. Dr. Papurt has also trained and exhibited horses in hunter, dressage, and driving competitions.
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