ATTENTION! ICI, VOUS ACHETEREZ UN FICHIER TELECHARGEABLE QUI N'A AUCUN FAIT. C'EST POUR VOTRE AMUSEMENT. LE PRODUIT FINAL EST UN FICHIER. C'EST POUR CELA QUE VOUS PAYEZ. CE FICHIER EST UN PDF/IMAGE/MP3. CE FICHIER N'EST PAS UNE PROMESSE, IL N'A AUCUN SENS ET NE CONTIENT RIEN D'ILLEGAL.This magic Spell will give you Good Luck in the forthcoming Exams. This can Make your Exam Results Better than Ever. So get this Spell today and you won’t need to Worry about any Exam again. This will help you in any Exam.You can Have Great Results just by Using this spell. So to make your Luck turn for the better, put your trust in magick and change your future for the better.-- -- --@-- -- --@-- -- --@-- -- --@10% Discount Coupons are Currently Being Sent To Everyone Who FAVOURITES This Item and any other Item in this shop. Just Click On The Little Heart On The Image.-- -- --@-- -- --@-- -- --@-- -- --@WISH SIGIL PRINTABLE *[1]"The Intent Sealed within this sigil is :I ACHIEVE HIGH GRADE RESULTS IN ALL MY EXAMSThis sigil will help you manifestHIGH GRADE EXAM RESULTSSimply copy or print out and charge - for your intent to be granted.There are 2 ways of charging:1. Sit Comfortably and Place The Sigil In Front Of YouGaze At The Sigil Whilst Affirming"I MANIFEST HIGH GRADE RESULTS IN ALL MY EXAMS" 108 timesIt is charged. You can burn the sigil or keep performing the ritual every day to charge the spell.OR2. 2nd Method ONLY NEEDS TO BE DONE ONCE with the Wish Sigil Powder Recipe and Instructions listed in my shop :"Happy ManifestingFor a Custom Sigil made uniquely for you. I do this over on Fiverr : Is Included In Your Download :You will receive 3 printable files in the formats :SVG (Cutting File)AIPNG (Transparent background)HOW YOU WILL RECEIVE FILES•- Your files will be available to download immediately after your payment has cleared with .Your files will be available to download here: If you have any questions on how to download the digital file, here is a detailed help article DOWNLOADAfter purchasing this digital product, you will be able to access and download it from your Completed Orders page.These vectors can also be used on cutters like Graphtec Craft Robo, Silhouette, Cricut and any other cutting machine ;)Vectors also can be printed on any type of printers.HOW CAN I PURCHASE A CUSTOM MADE SIGIL FROM YOU FOR A SPECIFIC REQUEST•I’m not permitted to do that on , however I am permitted to make a super powerful custom Sigil for you on Fiverr :*[1] DISCLAIMER:I am a true believer in my work and in all that I do. These are my personal beliefs.However, it is common sense to understand that, nothing can be promised to you in a psychic reading or spiritual work.In this context, we all have control over our future, our bodies, our minds, and our destiny.All psychic readings and spiritual work should only be regarded for entertainment purposes only.Nothing written in this description is promised. No outcome of any nature can be assured.This item is merely a printable imageWHAT YOU WILL RECEIVE AFTER YOUR PURCHASE :Sigil Image Listings:A LINK TO A DOWNLOADABLE IMAGE FILE WHICH YOU CAN PRINT OUTPsychic Reading Listings:A QUESTION AND ANSWER SESSION THROUGH AN APP WHERE YOU MAY CHAT AND WHICH SAVES ITS CHAT ON ITS SERVER. YOUR CHAT WILL DOWNLOAD TO YOUR DEVICE. YOU MAY PRINT THIS SESSION OUT IF DESIRED. I ALSO KEEP AN IDENTICAL COPY OF YOUR CHAT.