Vampirella Mail-In Card~SCARCE! SIGNED by Don Paresi w/Cardholder Foil Sealed

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Buy Direct from the Publisher and Artist;
If you bought a wax (foil) box of trading cards called Vampires & Vixens by Don Paresi in 1994, you would have seen a coupon on the bottom of the box to mail in for this rare card.
You would have had to spend $35 on the box and another $2.50 shipping/handling charge to get this card UNSIGNED. We've got the card here SIGNED for alot less. I've seen these at shows for $25-$40 each. Card is signed on back .

Vampirella collectors- bet you don't have this one!
Created with GarageSale
 _gsrx_vers_1536 (GS 9.4 (1536))