1x Dog Mouth Cover

2. Material & Design: 
Made of mesh nylon with adjustable velcro snout closing with adjustable straps.
- S: mouth circumference (4.7-5.9 inches) / (12cm-15cm) Suitable for small Pomeranian,toy Teddydog 


- M: mouth circumference (5.5-8 inches) / (14cm-20cm) 30 pounds of poodle,Pomeranian, etc. 

- L: mouth circumference (7-9.5 inches) / (18cm-24cm) Suitable for medium-sized shelti,English cockerspaniels, etc. 


- XL: mouth circumference (8.6-11inches) / (22cm-28cm) Suitable for Siberianhusky,Japanese Akita,Border Collie,etc.