This Little Golden Book titled "Let's Go Trick-Or-Treating!" by Lori Haskins Houran is a perfect addition to your Halloween collection. The story follows a group of children as they dress up in their costumes and go door-to-door for trick-or-treating. With colorful illustrations and simple language, this book is suitable for children of all ages and is sure to become a favorite.

The hardcover book is 8 inches in length, 6.5 inches in width, and 0.2 inches in height, with 24 pages. It is published by Random House Children's Books in English language and weighs only 4 ounces. The book is categorized under "Books & Magazines" and "Books" and has topics related to Family, General, Holidays & Celebrations, Halloween, and New Experience. It is an excellent gift for Halloween and can be enjoyed by children and adults alike.