Additional Details
Product description: This is a Set of (3) Volumes of the Carol Burnett Show Collector's Edition dvds from Guthy-Renker OR Columbia House. Includes Volumes 1 through 3, with each dvd containing 2 episodes. Sellers may be listing dvds from either of the series under this listing, so be sure to read seller's listing desription carefully to verify what you are buying (Guthy-Renker in regular size cases, Columbia House in slimline cases). Vol 1: Episode 1 - Dinah Shore (Nov 13, 1976), Episode 2 - Roddy McDowall & Jackson 5 (Mar 16, 1974); Vol 2: Episode 1 - Ken Berry & Jack Weston (Oct 20, 1973), Episode 2 - Rock Hudson & Steve Lawrence (Jan 29, 1977); Vol 3: Episode 1 - Carl Reiner (Jan 19, 1974), Episode 2 - Steve Lawrence (Jan 10, 1970)
Format: ntsc