Folkwear Patterns with Timeless Style
Folkwear 110 Little Kittel Dress Shirt Blouse Children Kids German Swiss French Traditional Sewing Pattern (Pattern Only) folkwear110

Children's Sizes: Sizes 4-10.

The Kittel is a loose-fitting over-garment traditionally worn by craftsmen and workers in Germany, Switzerland, and France. Its classic pull-over design, in dress and shirt lengths, makes it perfect for children's wear, topping a sweater, shirt, or other clothing. Soft pleats fall from an ample neckband. Sleeves connect to side panels with gussets and are pleated at the wrists into buttoned cuff bands. Shoulder yokes, neckband, cuffs, side seams, and side pocket openings can be decorated with traditional chain-stitch. Embroidery designs and instructions are included. Use #148 Black Forest Smock in the Old Europe Collection to make a coordinating garment in adult sizes.

Suggested Fabrics: Soft or crisp fabrics such as linen, homespun, broadcloth, gingham, denim, featherweight corduroy, or lightweight wool.

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