A1 Airfield Attack 4:58
A2 Long Tau Encounter 5:00
A3 Rescue From The North 5:00
A4 Delta Med 4:51
A5 A-4 Pilot Rescue 4:55
B1 Farwell To The Spads 4:52
B2 Baptism Of Fire 4:57
B3 Pilot Briefing 5:00
B4 The Desperate Swim 5:00
B5 Carrier Recovery 4:50
Michael Jones, USNR
LT Tom Sleeper, USNR
JOC Paul F. Henkemeyer, USN
JO2 Jon Carter, USN
Writer and Narrator:
JO3 Neilson Ross, USNR
JO2 Jon Carter, USN
A1: North Vietnam's Kep Airfield Under Navy attack is recounted by Navy Pilots LCDR Ken Jurgensen and LTJG Roger Van Dyke of Lemoore, California
A2: Navy Fireman Kenneth Bracey of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, relives the story of his first encounter with Viet Cong during minesweeping operations on South Vietnam's Long Tau river.
A3: The rescue of two pilots shot down over North Vietnam is described by LT Perry Gard of St. Petersburg, Flordia
A4: Hospitalman Samuel D. Bottaro of Onawa, Iowa, relates his experiences while treating Marines in the field and at South Vietnam's Dong Ha Aid Station
A5: LCDR Hugh McGee of Fairfield, Connecticut, shot down while aiding in the rescue of a downed Navy pilot, recalls his own rescue from the waters off North Vietnam.
B1:CDR Hank Bailey of Lemoore, California, comments on the versatile Spad, a propellar-driven aircraft, recently phased out of Naval service.
B2: A Navy River Patrol Boat's encounter with Viet Cong in South Vietnam's Mekong Delta is told by enginemen Joe Williams of Long Beach California, and James Plaster of Springfield, Missouri.
B3: The briefing received by Navy Pilots aboard attack aircraft carriers in North Vietnam is discussed by CDR Paul Gillcrist of Freeport, New York.
B4: Gunners Mate Jack Anderson of Blanchard, Oklahoma, a Navy river patrol boat crewman and winner of the Bronze Star, describes his escape from a Viet Cong ambush in the Mekong Delta of South Vietnam
B5: The Intricate process of returning Navy aircraft to flight decks of Seventh Fleet carriers after missions over North Vietnam is explained by Air Controller Harry Trumble of Hanford, California.