28-Day Aura Cleansing Spell to Banish Negative Energy and Boost Your Potential


Here are six signs that you may need an Aura clearing.

Ongoing feelings of physical, mental, or emotional discomfort.

Recently went through a major transition: a divorce, a move, and a change in employment.

Have a chronic physical condition that refuses to yield to treatment.

Have various stress-related symptoms.

Feel drained of energy.

Have associated long-term with negative people.


Aura clearing (cleansing) is vital to your personal and spiritual growth! Your aura, the field of energy surrounding your body, needs to occasionally be detoxified and healed of the damage accumulating over time.

In some cases, people carry this damage from past lifetimes. Regardless of the cause of this damage,

a toxic aura can negatively affect your thoughts, feelings and attitudes to a point that is destructive to your

well-being. The good news is that this harmful damage can easily be erased, setting you free from the prison of self-limitation.


Do you feel tired, down, and unfulfilled?

Are you not reaching your full potential?

If so, it could be because your aura is clogged with negative energy. Your aura is your personal energy field, and it protects you from harmful influences. But if it's not cleansed regularly, it can become blocked with negative energy, which can lead to fatigue, depression, and a lack of motivation.

This 28-day aura cleansing spell will help you to banish negative energy from your aura and boost your potential. I will cast the spell using a combination of powerful magic and radionics, and I will also dowse your aura to identify and remove any blockages.

As a result of this spell, you will start to feel more alive, energized, and motivated. You will also be better protected from negative influences, and you will be able to reach your full potential.

Order your spell today and start feeling your best!



With over 20 years experience, I have cleansed and restored many auras and have made the difference in

the lives of my beloved and trusted clients and their many repeat orders is why I keep helping people


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