THE MICK Promo Baseball Card
Card was printed in conjunction with the release of the Jove paperback by Mickey Mantle and Herb Gluck in April, 1986
The Yankees' star center fielder recounts his life and career, from boyhood to his glory days as power hitter and home-run king, and recalls his relationship with the other stars on the Yankee roster
Mantle's lifetime batting statistics on the back
The card is in NEAR MINT - MINT condition. I was in the wholesale book distribution business when this book came out and was given these cards.
Mint (MT)
Four sharp corners - 55(%)/45(%) or better centering (i.e., centering of picture within border; left-right & top-bottom) - Smooth edges - Original color border & gloss
Near Mint - Mint (NRMT-MT)
60/40 or better centering - Relatively smooth edges - Original color border & gloss - One of the following very minor flaws is allowed: Sharp corners to the eye, but slight imperfections under intense scrutiny; A few minor print spots; A few focus imperfections
Near Mint (NM)
65/35 or better centering - In addition, one of the following minor flaws allowed: Very slightly fuzzy corners; Slightly rough edges; Very minor border discoloration; Noticeable print spots; Color or focus imperfections
Excellent - Mint (EXMT)
Centering no worse than 70/30 - No more than two of the following flaws allowed: Very slightly fuzzy corners; Slightly rough edges; Very minor border discoloration; Noticeable print spots; Color or focus imperfections
Excellent (EX)
Centering no worse than 75/25 - A touch of notching or a slight 'ding' on a corner is allowed. - May have other imperfections such as: Poor gloss; Poor focus; Noticeable print spots
Very Good (VG)
Centering 80/20 or better - Slightly rounded corners - Slight layering, noticeable chipping or notches on edges is allowed. - May also have: Minor scuffing; Hairline crease
Good (G) Fair (F) Poor (P)
Well worn or abused - Badly rounded, layered corners, scuffing - Some lack of original coloring - Serious crease