Brand new Razzle Dazzle Doodle Art:  Creative Play for You and Your Young Child, a Brown Paper Preschool book.  8 x 8 inch softcover, first edition.  48 pages.  From the back cover:  Bake a crayon cupcake.  Stuff a set of brown-bag blocks, stack them up, then bash them about.  Sculpt with edible play-dough and eat the results.  Sketch on the sidewalk with ice-cube pencils.  Or just lie back with your little one and find faces in the clouds.  Try on a bit of art with your preschooler.  This book will help you with art projects in all shapes and sizes.  You already have most of the materials.  It doesn't have to be messy.  And art will jump-start your kid's hand-eye coordination, build creativity and self-esteem, and help your child explore the world of images and symbols.  Besides, doodling with art is sensational fun.  Art-to-Go-Kit.  Bathtub Body Paint.  Sticky Bits.  Found Faces.  Yipes, Stripes!  Tall Towers.  Holey Poke Cards.  Drawing Big Time.  Remarkable Rubbings.  And much more.