aGroup of 22 dvd's as follows....1 Man of steel film 2 features 3 thru5  witches season2....6 sucker punch 7 lioness 8 the sword of doom 9 legend of the fist 10the trials of mohammad ali 11 sweeny todd/demon barber 12 up from zero 13 the promise 14 the assassins 15 the beauty of the devil 16 the sorcerer an the white snake 17 henry the V 18 white haired witch 19 passage to mars 20curse of the golden flower21 bat without wings 22 cyndi lauper live @ last.....ALL DVD'S ARE DAMAGE FREE ENOUGH FOR FULL PLAY NO HIDDEN SURPRISES!!.......THANKSfor considering.    all region 1 u.s. terr berm. cana. play.