The "Canterbury Tales" were originally planned to include over 100 stories, but Chaucer completed only 22. The device of using a pilgrimage as a setting for the telling of tales was not uncommon--medieval pilgrims traditionally told stories to liven up the long trek--but Chaucer's version is infinitely more sophisticated, matching the teller and his tale in a way that greatly enriches the content. This, and the interactions between the pilgrims, give the "Canterbury Tales" the complexity of a good novel. The Tales reflect Chaucer's wide experience with all levels of English society: the royals, the aristocracy, the clergy, the middle class from which he came, and the lower classes, for whom he invariably shows sympathy and understanding. They are also notable for the dialogue that is set up about marriage, its virtues and liabilities, and the proper role of husband and wife--giving the work a coherent unity and an even greater resonance.
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