Authentic DZI, sacred Tibetan agate.

Buddhist and good Tibetan protection. The 2 eyes allow harmony between husband and wife to build a happy family, to ensure success and good relations with others. The 2-eye bead represents the harmonious concept of Yin and Yang, the vital balance. So this pearl reinforces stability and balance.

Dimensions of the DZI: 40mm long, 16mm in diameter.

Our contemporary Dzis are made according to tradition, by craftsmen
Tibetans located at the crossroads of Yunnan, Sichuan and Tibet in the prefecture
Tibetan of Gyaltran at 4000 meters altitude. The stone is agate, and the
drawings on its surface are made by the hand of man, but according to a technique
secret. A mixture of plant and lead is applied to their surface, all
is cooked (at about 1200 degrees); at the exit and once the mixture removes the
drawings appear. According to some sources, some of the most
ancients were said to have been colored FROM THE INSIDE using secret techniques
lost for a long time... The Dzis that can be translated as "brilliantly
polished", "luminous" are elongated agate beads having at their
surfaces a decoration of diverse and varied geometric shapes, but having
each one has a specific meaning. The dzi are considered by the
Tibetans as powerful protections. According to legend, these stones are
not of earthly origin, but, fashioned by the gods and sown on earth so
whoever finds them, has better Karma. The Dzi is a pearl
Tibetan, of distant origin, bringing many mystical benefits and
benefits to its wearer. It is a Tibetan talisman or amulet, the king of
lucky charm, sometimes venerated as a real deity. The success of the
Tibetan pearl comes from its multiple eyes, which can go up to 21. The Dzis
are said to bring good fortune, ward off evil spirits, and protect
its wearer from dangers and accidents, and even bring longevity and good
health. The DZI originates from the Central Asian region and is usually found
in a region that covers Afghanistan, Iran, Tibet, India, Pakistan,
Nepal, Bhutan to Burma and Thailand. They are found in
many sizes and shapes, with multiple eyes and stripes. Tibetans
cherish these pearls and regard them as hereditary gems.
from the Tibetan word “Dzi” translates to “brilliance, clarity, splendor”. In
Mandarin Chinese, the dzi are called "pearl of the sky". Tibetans
recognize, without being envious or jealous, the qualities of people
brilliant, those people who shine intellectually and who attract
the attention and admiration of all. For Tibetans, wearing a pearl of
Dzi can develop in everyone this natural radiance called Talent. THE
parasol symbolizes the activity that protects men from all evils: diseases,
accidents, evil spirits. She also protects the beings of the worlds