This is a Beautiful Natural Rough Sodalite Specimen that has Shades of Royal Blue and Unique White Calcite Veins!
~ A Very Beautiful Natual Sodalite Specimen with Lovely Shades of Blue and White Calcite Veins that wrap around this One-of-a-Kind Specimen! Wonderful for Energy Healing and is Great for Display or Any Collection! An Excellent Stone to help bring about Calm Healing Vibrations in Any Space! ~
Origin: Brazil
DIMENSIONS: 3.5 inches x 3.25 inches x 2.0 inches
WEIGHT: 330 grams
~ Sodalite is an Excellent Stone for Meditation and Everyday Use. Sodalite Radiates a Grounded, Calm and Relaxing Energy that Opens Up the Mind and Clears Mental Noise or Overactive Thoughts for Inner Reflection, Dream Work, Meditation, and Overall Inner Illumination. Sodalite is known as the 'Logic Stone' and Enhances Self-Analysis for Emotional and Spiritual Growth and Development. This Wonderful Stone Clears Away Energetic Blockages and Facilitates a Freer Flow of Energy Throughout the Body and Throat Chakra for a Healthier Energetic Balance and Helps One Recognize and Speak or Communicate Their Inner Truth.