Additional Details
Product description: The Jack Benny - JELL-O Program - Vol. 2. Twenty original network broadcasts with the original sponsors commercials. 1941 Season. EPISODE TITLES: Vacation Plans - 6-9-40; Father's Day - 6-16-40; Taquitz Falls - 3-2-41; Murder at the Racquet Club - 3-9-41; The Cast Complains - 3-16-41; Tobacco Road - 3-23-41; Gardening - 3-30-41; The Jello Quiz Kids - 4-6-41; Jack Studies for the Quiz Kids - 4-13-41; Jack Thinks He Was a Fool on the Quiz Kids Program; Embarrassed Over the Quiz Kids - 4-27-41; Jack’s 10th Anniversary - 5-4-41; NBC Tribute to Jack - 5-11-41; On the Set of Charlie’s Aunt - 5-18-41; Philburt Harris - 5-25-41; Last Show of the Season - 6-1-41; From New York City - 10-5-41; Jack Prepares for Trip Home - 10-21-41; Power Dive! - 10-26-41; Halloween With Basil Rathbone 11-2-41.
Format: box_set