(Internal #F311-10), You are bidding on a Genuine ancient GIANT EUROPEAN CAVE HYENA T**TH, mouth specimen - RARE.
Molar, four cusps, three roots
Measures 1-1/4" long x 1-1/4" wide x 3/4" thick
Last photo of dentition
Comes with Information card of authenticity.
Species: Crocuta crocuta spelaea
Found: Cave deposit: Carpathian Mountains, Romania
Condition: No repair or restoration, perfectly preserved
Age: Pleistocene
Ancient specimens of the Giant European Cave Hyena are an EXTREMELY rare find. With stringent collecting and digging laws in place now throughout Europe where the Giant Cave Hyena is found, new finds are not possible as prospecting is now illegal and strictly enforced. Prior to collecting laws, most of these cave deposits had been virtually cleaned out of their specimens by intense digger activity. Even if you could legally explore caves in Europe today and search for such pieces, a find such as this is a thing of the past.
The Giant European Cave Hyena was one of the most dangerous and powerful of apex predators in the last Ice Age. Recent scientific studies reveal a fascinating and brutal former world that existed in the last Ice Age of Europe where Cave Hyenas hunted and fed on other Cave Hyenas, Cave Bears, Cave Lions and even humans such as Neanterthals and Cro-Magnons. This specimen is rarer than the Saber t**th cat/Smilodon.
It first appeared in Europe around 500,000 years ago and lived up to the close of the last European Ice Age. Prehistoric European cave paintings have been found depicting these beasts as having spots. Certainly feared and avoided at all costs. The closest living relative is the African Spotted Hyena. Specimen remains discovered in Great Britain and Alpine regions indicate these locations were home to the largest of the Giant Cave Hyenas. It stood close to 40 inches tall at the shoulders, weight: 175-285 pounds. Nocturnal, raising their young in the caves. They hunted in packs of 10-25 hyenas, and scavenged on carrion as opportunists. Cave floor deposits where these beasts lived indicated a varied diet of deer, boar, horse bison, woolly mammals and woolly rhino. Some deposits also produced partially eaten Neanderthal remains indicating they ate humans.
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