2 Seeds Plumeria Rubra Mai Tai plant that has burgundy or almost black flowers the intensity of the colour is depending on where it is grown as the weather and climates can influence.

Soak seeds for between 8 - 24 hours.

The easiest way is to place the seeds between moistened tissue papers. Leave them for 24 hours in a warm environment. You will notice that the thicker part of the seeds will swell. The seeds will now be ready for sowing

Please use for sowing Peat Pellets, soak them in water and put in a plastic pot.

Alternatively, normal seed substrate could be used as well.

Moisten the peat moss (or potting mix) and make a small hole in the mix.

Gently push the plumeria seed about 0.2 inches (5mm) into the mix. Make sure the swollen end is at the bottom and the seed wing is at the top. Allow part of this wing to stick out of the soil.

Tenderly press the soil against the side of the plumeria seed.

Firm around your seeds and then water them in gently.When your young Plumeria Seedlings have grown at least two true leaves, transplant them to small pots.

Location: on the windowsill or in a small greenhouse in partial shade, daytime temperatures at about 75-83 F, somewhat lower at night at 68-75 F. The resulting micro-climate provides ideal conditions for germination.