How to grow a Canna of seeds

In order for the seeds to germinate well, their healthy shell must be destroyed. To do this, you can use one of the following methods:

pour boiling water;

keep for 3-4 hours in a thermos with warm water;

place in the snow for 2-3 hours or in the freezer for 1 hour;

destroy by mechanical action.


If you neglect this procedure, the germination of the seeds will worsen and the emergence of seedlings will be delayed.

The seeds are then soaked for 24 hours in a growth stimulant and only then planted in a container with soil whose temperature before sowing should be at least 22 ÂșC. They are sealed to a depth of 7-10 mm, soaked, covered with film (glass). The first shoots will appear after about a month. When 3-4 leaves grow on them, they are immersed (planted) in separate pots, in which the flowers are before planting in open ground.

The botanical name of the tropical flower comes from the Greek (Kanna) and means reed. It is given due to the fact that the stems of the beautiful plant are hollow like the stems of the reed. There are many names by which the jug is known in the tropics of the New World. They call it "reed lily", "calendar", "Indian balls".

Canna are large herbaceous plants with powerful rhizomes, huge spectacular gray-green or violet-brown leaves and bright flowers of slender peduncles. They can be grown both as flowering and as leaf-decorative. Prolonged flowering, their resistance to heat and last but not least due to their resistance to diseases and pests, they are among the most beloved flowers due to their exotic appearance

Canna love the sun, the lack of enough light, leads to a reduction in flowering. Water regularly and abundantly watered well. But do not retain excess moisture.

Fertilizing with burnt manure will contribute to increasing soil fertility, and hence to a better appearance of the plant. Never plant canna on clay soils. If you have no other option, you can easily solve this problem by adding sand when digging.

The soil should be deeply tilled and very rich in nutrients, moist and permeable.

Canna are not winter-hardy - sub-zero temperatures damage the leaves and flowers, and prolonged colds can kill the rhizomes. At home, the canna are propagated by dividing the rhizome. This is done in February, cleaning the rhizomes well and cutting them into pieces so that each piece contains at least one regenerative bud. They are planted in soil substrate and watered moderately. Once the new stems appear on the soil surface, you need to provide strong lighting. At the end of April (after the danger of frost has passed) the young plants are planted in the garden.