Grandiflora Petunia Dark Purple F1 Flower 20 pelleted Seeds,

Truly one of the most whimsical flowers we have ever seen! These mammoth blooms are bursting with dark purple and wine red color! The flower heads have ruffled edges and reach a whopping 7 inches across, in a mix of magenta to violet colors. The flowers are giant, The plant is up to 19 inches high, weakly branches. Add this fantastic seeds to pots, beds, borders and children’s gardens for a touch of magic.

Sowing: January to April for seedlings.

Seeds in granules! In order to facilitate the sowing and cultivation of small-seeded crops, a system has been developed to cover each seed with a special composition. At hit of moisture on a granule - the cover is scattered. Granules are placed on the surface of slightly compacted and moistened soil, without covering them, moistened with a sprayer, covered with glass and kept at a temperature of + 20 + 24 ° C, preventing the shell of the granule and compost from drying out until the seedlings germinate and, periodically, removing from the surface of the glass drops of condensate.

After the appearance of the first true leaf, the crops are aired and then the glass is removed, gradually reducing the temperature to + 14 + 16 ° С. Seedlings do not tolerate waterlogging. Hardened seedlings are planted in the ground after the end of spring frosts at a distance of 15-20 cm.

Care: petunia grows best in well-lit places with light, fertile soil. Responds gratefully to watering and regular feeding.

Flowering: June to frost.

Grow seedlings. Sowing is carried out from January to April, superficially, under glass (after germination, the glass is removed). In the winter months (January-February), lighting is required. With early sowing, flowering begins in May, which is very convenient for growing plants on a balcony, covered terraces, patio. Without additional lighting, petunia is sown no earlier than March.

Full Sun

Sprouts in 7-14 Days

Seed Depth: Surface Sow

Ideal Temperature: 75-80 F

Plant Spacing: 6-8"

Frost Hardy: No

Petunia superbissima

Growing Tips: Surface sow, keep uniformly moist and very warm. Grow the tiny seedlings indoors for 8-10 weeks, set out after last frost. Pinching young shoots makes for more compact habit.

Our planting instruction is a recommendation purposes only. Please choose your own method of sowing that will work for you or research the internet for more info and tips.