As above, so below is associated with sacred geometry, Hermeticism and tarot. It comes from a passage from the Emerald tablet which is attributed to Hermes Trismegistus.
It means: What happens on one level of reality also happens on every other level.
This sacred direct binding conquers everything subtle and penetrates everything solid.
In essence it decodes and sends your thoughts and desires directly to the spiritual realm. The changes you desire take place first on the spiritual planes first before they are able to manifest in the physical. "As above, so below".
This is what blocks most people from getting exactly what they want from their magickal workings. To get what you want, change must occur.
The visible and the invisible are manifestations of the divine. Everything is one. Like a chain of events, one must occur before the other can.
This binding will remove the blocks of your desires reaching the spiritual realm where it can be manifested here on earth.

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