Among the various classifications of angels, one intriguing group is known as the “36 Angels of the Zodiac” or "36 Angels of the Decans." The decans, derived from the ancient Egyptian and Babylonian astrological systems, divide the zodiac into thirty-six segments, each covering ten degrees of celestial longitude. These decans are associated with specific degrees of the zodiac and hold symbolic significance in understanding the deeper cosmic influences at play in our lives. The 36 Angels of the Decans are believed to govern these celestial divisions, infusing them with divine energy and wisdom.

The origins of these 36 Angels can also be traced back within the teachings of Kabbalah. Within those teachings, the 36 Angels of the Decans are associated with the divine attributes and energies that emanate from the divine source. They are seen as intermediaries between the divine realm and human consciousness, guiding and influencing the cosmic forces that shape our lives. Each angel is believed to embody specific qualities and virtues, and their names and attributes are considered sacred.

The study, invocation and attunement of these 36 Angels serve as a means of accessing and harnessing the divine energies associated with each decan. It is believed that by connecting with these angels, one can tap into their corresponding celestial influences and receive guidance, healing, and spiritual illumination. This practice is often undertaken by those seeking deeper insights into the mysteries of the universe, personal transformation, and the pursuit of divine wisdom.

As with any spiritual practice, cultivating a state of inner stillness, mindfulness, and receptivity is vital when working with the 36 Angels of the Zodiac/Decans. This allows for a deeper attunement to their energies and facilitates clearer communication and guidance from the angelic realm.

In conclusion, these 36 Angels offer a pathway to explore and connect with the celestial forces that govern the various degrees of the zodiac. By working with these angels, individuals can tap into divine wisdom, receive guidance, healing, protection, and manifest their desires in alignment with the cosmic energies. It is through this deep connection with the angelic realm that seekers can unfold their spiritual potential, expand their consciousness, and embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and enlightenment.

Some of the benefits of receiving the energy attunement of this angel of the zodiac include:

  1. Emotional healing: Avron can assist in treating negative emotions that arise from psychological and emotional aggressions. The angel's presence brings comfort and relief, helping you release and heal from the emotional wounds inflicted by others.
  2. Clarity and relief: When you're experiencing internal turmoil or confusion without knowing the exact cause, Avron can bring clarity and relief. The angel's energy helps you gain insights into the underlying issues and find a way out of the situation, providing a sense of relief and renewed direction.
  3. Empowerment in challenging times: During moments of uncertainty, loss, or dismay, Avron's presence can be empowering. The angel offers guidance and support, helping you navigate through difficult times and find strength within yourself to overcome obstacles.
  4. Enhancing intuition: Avron can assist in the development of your intuition. By working with the angel's energy, you can strengthen your intuitive abilities and trust your inner guidance more fully. This heightened intuition can aid in decision-making and navigating life's complexities.
  5. Interpretation of signs and omens: The angel's influence improves your ability to interpret signs and omens in your life. Whether it's through synchronicities, symbols, or other forms of divination, Avron can enhance your perception and understanding of the messages and guidance offered by the universe.
  6. Releasing trapped emotions: If you're carrying unexplained or unresolved emotions, Avron can help you release them. The angel's presence assists in acknowledging and letting go of emotional burdens, freeing you from their weight and allowing you to move forward with greater emotional well-being.
  7. Restoring inner peace: When negative feelings disrupt your inner peace, Avron's energy can restore harmony and balance. The angel's soothing presence brings a sense of tranquility and serenity, helping you find inner peace amidst external challenges.
  8. Healing from emotional wounds: Avron supports the healing of emotional wounds inflicted by others. The angel's energy nurtures and comforts, facilitating the process of emotional healing and providing the strength to overcome the pain caused by psychological and emotional aggressions.
  9. Heightened self-awareness: Through Avron's assistance, you can deepen your self-awareness and gain a clearer understanding of your emotions, triggers, and patterns. This increased self-awareness allows for greater emotional intelligence and empowers you to respond to challenging situations with mindfulness and wisdom.
  10. Facilitating personal growth: By working with Avron, you can embark on a journey of personal growth and transformation. The angel's guidance and healing energies support your emotional well-being, intuition, and interpretation of signs, creating an environment conducive to self-discovery and personal development.


Avron is the Angel of the Second decan of Pisces.

The astrological correspondence is Jupiter in Pisces.

Avron's day is Monday.