Brand new factory sealed dvd of how the real world is hidden from our eyes, years before the Matrix told us the same thing.

Nada (Piper) is one of the new American hobos, who comes to the big city with a backpack, looking for work. He stumbles over a revolutionary movement hiding out in a skid-row church and gets hold of a pair of sunglasses that enable him to see the real world. They filter out the color camoflauge waves and reveal the real world to be in black and white and every billboard, magazine cover, newspapers, TV commercial, etc. carries subliminal messages that encourage the human race to lust for money, stay passive, and knuckle under to authority.

It all turns out to be the work of alien exploiters, who have melted-to-the-skull faces and are masquerading as humans. And in the skys are hovering alien airships monitoring everyone. They have bought the Earth by offering a select few humans immense material wealth to sell the rest of us out.

Nada reacts badly to this news, and takes a pump shotgun to a bank, declaring, "I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick some ass, and I'm all out of bubblegum", before blowing away a couple of the monsters that look like humans to the rest of us!

Hunted as a psycho killer, he tries to find the remnants of the revolution, and convince television executive Meg Foster to join the struggle against the Gucci overlords whose fancy watches are actually teleportation devices and who plan to asset-strip the planet before moving on to their next victims.