A note:

There are sellers here who have been using the photos from this listing to sell a fake product made out of metal with fake stones - a copy of this product. Mine is authentic - solid gold and real gemstones as stated. I took all of these photos. So please if you see the same item with the same photos which is being sold for 90-125$ please know that those sellers use my photos without my permission. If you find those items please let me know. Thank you

Beautiful pink sapphires and green stones with bezel set Diamonds on the top made into very realistic rich pink Strawberry ( Pendant) !

the combination of striking green stones and sparkly pink sapphires make the strawberry look very realistic and stand out! it is very 3 dimensional! it is probably the most beautiful here for sale, not only because very detailed, but very realistic and has all proper colors - rich pink and green! two colors of the gold make it even more dimensional! also the diamonds on top! also it comes with the chain chown on the photos - the chain is well made!

weight approx total approx 5.8g

The pendant is substantial in size and approx 27mm long including the 2 bezel set diamonds at the top.

hallmarked at the top of the hoop with initials and 14K. the chain is hallmarked as well (also tested to be solid gold)

pendant made of white gold and the front part made of yellow gold (sapphires set in yellow gold, diamonds and green stones are in white), back of the pendant is white gold.

14K yellow gold chain is included -approx 20.5". Chain is not thin and well made, can be removed and used for another pendant you may have. please see photo how it looks when worn - it is pretty long! also it can be worn on a choker chain - close to your face, it would look fantastic!

it is very shiny! in excellent condition! the stones very sparkly!

comes a jewelry case! can be gifted immediately!

thank you