American Artist
Artist magazine of largest circulation. Artist profiles/interviews include multiple photos and reproductions over multiple pages, PLUS: Illustrations, technical features, columns, vintage ads and MORE --Exclusive MORE MAGAZINES detailed content description, below!

Issue Date: OCTOBER 1980; ISSUE 459; VOLUME 44
This description copyright Edward D Peyton. Any un-authorized use of this description is strictly prohibited.
FRONT COVER: A large detail of Of All Time, by Morris Broderson, 1977, watercolor, 60 x 40. Collection Mr. and Mrs. John C. Andrews.

RITA DERJUE: AN ARTIST'S TRAIL, by Barbara Whipple. This Colorado artist leads a life of travel around the USA and abroad.

Here the author describes how the variety of living experiences has affected Derjue's art and how the artist adapts her creative skills to each new situation.

MORRIS BRODERSON: SPEAKING THROUGH HIS ART by Diane Casella Hines. The intricate, brilliantly colored watercolor still lifes and figures that Braderson has spent as much as 18 months creating reflect a unique vision.

RALPH PALLEN COLEMAN: A PHILADELPHIA PARADOX by Ralph P. Coleman, Jr. Through the Depression and during the 1940s, Coleman was a successful magazine illustrator. In the 1950s; however, his work went "out of style." In this article, the artist's son describes his father's career, his change to illustrating religious material, and how the artist adapted to changing times and values.

THE WATERCOLOR PAGE: EDWARD D. WALKER. This California artist applies self-discipline, sincerity, and imagination to the creation of his works--whether they are western scenes, cityscapes, or still-life studies.

AMERICA'S NATIONAL ACADEMY OF DESIGN: NEW LIFE EMERGES FROM TRADITION by Patricia Paull Newsom. In the art world, the academy historically has had the job of upholding tradition. In this country, that tradition has been centered at the National Academy of Design in New York. As the N.A. enters its 156th year, a renewed dedication on the part of its council and the future plans of its new director are bringing new life to this esteemed institution.

EVELYN EDELSON-ROSENBERG: AN ARTIST'S CHRONICLE by Mary Carroll Nelson. This young New Mexico artist has created highly stylized, yet whimsical, interpretations of wildlife using deeply bitten metal plate etchings, mixed-media prints, and cardboard collographs. Here she discusses her unusual printmaking techniques and her career.

PAINTING IN ALKYD by Wendon Blake. What is alkyd? How does it behave? How do you work with it? How does it differ from other painting media, such as oil and acrylic? In this article, illustrated with details from a variety of alkyd paintings, Blake attempts to answer these basic questions.

FORUM: Is a Slide Registry a Viable Alternative to Art Galleries? by Linda E. Evans.
PROFESSIONAL PAGE by Betty Chamberlain.
TECHNICAL PAGE by Clifford T. Chieffo.
LOOKING AT PAINTINGS with Bernard Dunstan.

This description copyright Edward D Peyton. Any un-authorized use of this description is strictly prohibited.
Magazine is COMPLETE and in VERY GOOD +++ condition. (See photo)