“Şahımerdan macccun is a herbal paste with aphro. effect.”
Who can use Sahimerdan macun?
The content of the paste is herbal and can be used by men and women. It is suitable for people of all ages and genders.
Caution: People with heart diseases and diabetes should avoid using this product as it accelerates blood circulation.
When does epimedium maccccun show its effect?
Sahimerdan maccccun, which is a natural aphro., shows its effect within 30-40 minutes after use. It is one of the most demanded pastes due to its fast effect and does not contain chemicals.
What effect does maccccun have on my body?
- Sahimerdan herbal paste increases power and desire in people who use paste.
- Sahimerdan macccccun acts as a delay especially in men and is beneficial for premature problems.
- Sahimerdan maccccun gives strength and vitality to the body. It both increases quality and increases sprrrrm count.
- Sahimerdan maccccun is beneficial for those who suffer from fatigue and lack of energy in daily life.
- This macun also improves memory.
How many times can one Sahimerdan Maccccun 240 gr be used?
A jar of 240 gram paste packs are usually for 30 uses.
- This paste, obtained from completely natural products, has no side effects. However, if any side effects are seen, the use of the paste should be stopped.
- This paste is taken as a food supplement. However, it is not a suitable product for heart patients, as it accelerates the blood circulation. Diabetes patients should definitely use this paste under the supervision of a doctor.
Ingredients of Şahımerdan Herbal Paste (Maccccun)
Strained Flower Honey, Glucose Syrup, Mulberry Molasses, Pollen, Soybean Flour, Epimedium 0.79%, Carob, Oats, Ginger Galangal, Cinnamon, Lepidium, American Ginseng, Nettle, Siberian Ginseng, Iron Globa, Ginseng, Honey Gourd , Cola Plant, Nature Identical Aroma (Vanilla), Royal Jelly
What effect does maccccun have on men's body?
- Sahimerdan herbal paste helps to achieve a highly effective erecccc. in men.
- Herbal paste increases the sprrrrm count, causes a retarding effect.
- Sahimerdan maccccun increases power and helps prolong er. time.
- It supports the increase in the number of intercourse and fertility.
How much epimedium macun I should use before intercourse?
It is recommended to take 1 dessert spoon of maccccun, half an hour before having intercourse.
What effect does maccccun have on men's body?
- Sahimerdan paste narrows the vag. and increases sensitivity in the area called Gspot.
- The woman starts to enjoy intercourse more as she feels more comfortable.
- desire increases, anxiety and fears decrease.
- The excess of mucus decreases, leading to an increase in libido.
- dryness problem is eliminated, estrogen release increases.
- wetness increases, the intensity of pleasure increases.