Insight - Discover What Is Hidden From Your Sight:

Is there something you suspect but can't quite prove? Perhaps a spouse cheating? Friends gossiping behind your back? Maybe you suspect something supernatural is happening to you, but you can't quite make up your mind on what it is? With this Pre-Made spell, the energies around you will be bent and led in such a manner that the truth will reveal itself soon after this spell has been performed. This is a targeted spell, and one casting of this spell by us will be aimed at one particular issue of your choosing. Take care; once revealed, that which was once hidden can no longer return to lingering in the shadows. 

You are always able to request more powerful and/or customized versions of our Pre-Made spells through using the different tiers of our Custom Spells also offered in our store. 

Please see our FAQ For Spells, located in our Booth as a Freebie, for more info!


Policies and cautions before purchasing:

Please be aware that, especially for those unused to working with Magick, having a spell cast on you, may, and likely will, cause inconvinient symptoms as a result of the "Adjustment period." The Adjustment Period is what we call the time it takes for a human to physically, mentally, emotionally, and energetically become used to the new spell and accompanying energies. These symptoms are a) not dangerous, and b) only temporary. Symptoms may include, but are not limited to: headaches, irritability, inexcplicable tiredness, light-headedness, emotional outbursts, and erratic moods. It is important to note that every individual responds differently to different spells.

We will require you to tell us your full name and full date of birth in order to perform Magick for you.



We cast our spells directly on the individual purchasing them from us. As a result, we will not ship you items. Please be aware of this before purchasing. As a result, there will no shipping costs. 



Be advised that we will not sell any of our items to clients below the age of 18.

Please also be aware that for medical conditions, whether mental or physical, you should always consult the appropriate trained, licensed professional. The items sold in this store are not a replacement or substitute for professional help. 

The law requires that we state that these items are listed "For Entertainment Purposes Only." We are not liable for any and all misusage of this item, nor can we guarantee that these items will work magically.