Up for sale is the hilarious Ebook, How NOT To Do Martial Arts.
How NOT To Do Martial Arts.
In How NOT To Do Martial Arts, we learn all we need to become the best martial artists alive. Actually, no we don’t. How NOT To Do Martial Arts is probably the funniest martial arts book in print, and under no circumstances should any of the advice in this book be followed. We learn all of Grand Master Daw’s ranks and belts earned, and what martial arts really are. We are given advice on how to choose the right martial art, how to train and unbeatable fighting tips. Learn the secrets of Pumpkin Fist, the art of invisibility, how to protect your home plus a special Warrior diet.
How NOT To Do Martial Arts is for the martial arts enthusiast who has everything. If you want a laugh and a breath of fresh air, How NOT To Do Martial Arts is definitely for you. This book is a work of fiction, and is not intended to offend, teach or do anything other than make people laugh. How Not To Do Martial Arts is 51 pages, and we must warn that at times it does contain some foul language.
All sales are final. There are no refunds. Memberships, certificates and books are digital delivery only. You must be over 18 to join the MFMA. The MFMA accepts no responsibility for any accident, injury or death resulting from following the information in its books or video courses. The MFMA is a global martial arts club: anyone from anywhere in the world is welcome to join.