BPH is identified through biopsy in up to 80% of men over 60 years of age. Only half of men with symptoms of BPH ever seek medical treatment. One survey found that 20% of men older than 60 had BPH symptoms equivalent to those of men undergoing prostate surgery. The symptoms associated with enlargement of the prostate gland may be obstructive. A decrease in the force of the urinary stream, difficulty in the beginning or maintaining a urinary stream, inability to completely empty the bladder, and post-micturitional dribbling or urgency, incontinence, and dysuria. Some obstructive symptoms tend to be a direct result of urethral constriction, while others result in more from increased muscle excitability, leading to bladder instability, or weakening of the detrusor muscle. PS2020 contains 18 amino acids, 8 essential acids, 36 anti-inflammatories, and 47 antioxidants, polyphenols, and flavonoids.