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1897 Original Art Nouveau Jewelry Casket / Trinket Box. B&W # 179 original

Item Description
1897 Original Art Nouveau Jewelry Casket / Trinket Box. B&W # 179, Gold wash over a heavy metal, it may be pewter. No original lining is inside, four legged casket. it has some peeling on top and body showing black background, which is proof of age. In Genuine boxes, not repro, the silver finish was the least successful in holding its color. The original finish was real silver, with only a very thin layer of electroplating. Silver tarnishes, and handling over time rubbed off much, or all, of the box. That is why so many of the antique jewel boxes today appear black. Reproduction boxes have been plated with modern methods and different materials?not necessarily real silver?and finishes are much brighter. Even those that have ?aged? have a more chipped look in the used areas than the soft worn look of the originals, and the brights are still bright. And the hinges: The antique box hinges were normally formed by small tubes soldered to the jewel box top and bottom alternately, with a wire running through. Reproduction boxes tend to have, for example, two smaller separated hinges. 4 1/2 x 6 x 4 [met4-1]

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