We are selling some of our bamboo from our forest here in Mena, Ar. We will ship to areas where it is legal to do so, if you pay the shipping cost. Please check your local laws, I will not ship to where it is prohibited by law. If you are local you are welcome to come and dig up your own bamboo rootballs or plants but message us first. We have roots or small plants buy one or as many as you need. I can work with you on the shipping.Thank you and drop me a message on if you have any questions. Thank you.
Here is the information about our bamboo. I am not a bamboo expert and I found this information online.

Reaches heights of up to 35ft and Diameter: 2 inches
Hardiness: -10° F
Recommended for USDA zone 5 through 10

A hardy bamboo that is a dark green culm. This is one of the hardiest of all bamboos and does well in many different climates. Although one out of about 10 culms have abrupt zig-zags in the lower portion, it is rigidly upright, which makes it good to plant near a walk or driveway to create an evergreen screen for privacy. Phyllostachys aureosulcata usually begins shooting and growing during the last week in February. A fast and reliable grower in almost any climate, grows fast and spreads well to make a nice barrier or privacy fence or a nice forest..