You can find more vintage issues Architectural Digest here. CONTENTS:
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INTERIOR DESIGN 40 Alternate otates Country and City Addresses of Michael and Phylis Steiner Text by Anthony Haden-Guest/Photography by Peter Vitale 56 Creole Cottage in New Orleans An Architect's Faubourg Marigny Revival Text by William N. Banks/Photography by John Rogers 62 An American Eve Creative Collections in a Pennsylvania Farmhouse Text by Marion Lattey Fox/Photography by Peter Vitals 70 A Unifying Vision American Modernism in a Manhattan Duplex Interior Design by David Laurance Text by Michael M. Thomas/Photography by Jaime Ardiles-Arce 78 Courting the Sun Light Touch for a California Ranch House Interior Design by Michael Taylor, ASID Text by Howard Junker/ Photography by Russell MacMasters 92 Mirror Image Contemporary Reflections in a Florida Penthouse Interior Design by Michael de Santis, ASIC Text by Christopher Buckley Photography by Jaime Ardiles-Arce 106 Trovence rovenance Robert Courtright and Bruno Romeda in the South of France Text by G. Y. Dryansky/Photography by Pascal Hinous 112 Villa del Rio Tropical Pavilions in Acapulco Architecture by Diego Matthai Text by John Beach / Photography by Russell MacMasters ART AND ANTIQUES 86 Art: Beautiful Breeds Endearing Portraits of Man's Best Friend Text bv Robert Rosenblum 118 Antiques: In a Mughal Garden Refinements from an Age of Indian Splendor Text by John A. Cuadrado SPECIAL FEATURES 48 Architectural Digest Visits: Jane Seymour Interior Design by Jonathan Barnett and Jon Mandi Text by Ed Spiegel/Photography by Mary E. Nichols 98 Sentinels of Memory Totem Poles of the Pacific Northwest Coast Indians Text by James Houston/ Photography by Dick Busher 124 Historic Houses: The Lord Mayor's Mansion Pomp and Protocol in the City of London Text by Elizabeth Lambert / Photography by Derry Moore 130 Architecture: Stanley Tigerman Interior Design by Richard Himmel, FASID Text by Hugh Newell Tacobsen /Photography by Tony Solunt |