I CATCH. I do NOT FISH or take pictures.


 This is Bright YELLOW  TEASER BIRD (YELLOW) rigged and ready to C A T C H , C A T C H, C A T C H. 
This covers those PESKY sea/sun conditions 
 This bird has  ORANGE/YELLOW/BLCK BARRED SKIRT that's been DOUBLED over for More FLASH and ACTION.
 It has a extra strength FACETED BEAD INSIDE that tail for more wild ACTION,  NOT that STANDARD boring
action of other birds
This TEASER BIRD HAS it's BELLY and WINGS COVERED IN FLASH TO trash the SEAS SURFACE drawing in all those PREDATORS INTO your spread
it's Built on 200 pound commercial BLUE mono.
It has 3+ feet of that commercial mono
It has a BRIGHT YELLOW plastic SKIRT that HIDES that 200+ pound commercial BLACK SNAPSWIVEL
That's What the predators wont hear  and YOU WILL C A T C H.
YELLOW  SKIRT OVER THAT SNAPSWIVEL Dbl crimped where it counts
200+ commercial BLACK SNAPSWIVEL
Just hookup YOUR leaders lure on that snapswivel and your ready to start CATCHING.

REMEMBER ,                                      DON'T  FISH.......... C A T C H