"Tampa Bay Blend 
Gourmet Coffee"

12 oz of the 'Worlds Best Coffee'

Tampa Bay Blend is a Medium American Roast with just a touch of Dark Roast added. 

It is lovingly crafted with 100% premium coffee beans and produces an exquisite cup of coffee
with complex aroma and a rich flavor. 

Makes an incredible Cold Brew / Iced Coffee as well.

This is exactly what a great cup of coffee should taste like.  This is the coffee that you drink all day. 
This is, "The Perfect Coffee!"


Medium Roast - Medium Acidity - Medium to slightly Full Bodied - Great Aroma - Smooth Finish

Please try our Tampa Bay Blend.  You will find it to be the best coffee you have ever had.

"Serving the Tampa Bay area over 80 Years"

Tampa Bay Blend is shipped Whole Bean unless ground coffee requested.