1702 Spanish Dark Roast

"1 Pound" of  Colonial Spanish Roast!

"San Augustin Antiguo / Old Saint Augustine"

Exquisite Spanish Dark Roasted Coffee.

The Roast most often used in Colonial Florida and all the colonies in Spanish America.

Only the finest coffee beans are used in this incredible blend.

Perfect for Cafe' Con Leche or Caffe' Lattes or any coffees using Hot Steamed Milk.

Equally delicious served black! Produces a straight shot with a well rounded aroma
and superior finish.

"Taste Profile"

Dark Roast , Medium Acidity,  Full Bodied, Rich Flavor, Striking Aroma

Our Spanish Dark Roast is truly a magnificent coffee...Never...to be confused with grocery store coffees.
If you are a lover of Dark Roasted Coffee...then this is without a doubt the coffee for you.

Please try it.  You will be pleasantly surprised.

"Serving the Tampa Bay Area over 80 Years"

Coffee Shipped Whole Bean unless ground requested

Cafe' Supremo Espresso * Caffe Siciliano * Cafe' Puertorriqueño * French Market Dark Roast *
Plantation Blend Sipping Coffee * Cafe' Cubano * Tampa bay Blend

Hazelnut Creme * Vanilla Nut * Southern Pecan * Irish Creme * Double Chocolate and many more