Citric Acid, 10 Pound, 100% Food Grade Safe, FCC/USP Organic, Anhydrous


Citric acid was first derived from lemon juice. It is a colorless and odorless compound that is predominantly used as a flavoring and preserving agent mostly in soft drinks and candies. Citric Acid is also used to stabilize and preserve medicines. It can be used naturally as a disinfectant against viruses and bacteria. Citric acid is widely used as an additive in creams, gels, and liquids for the cosmetic industry. It has also been shown to have antioxidant, alkalizing and anti-inflammatory properties. Our Citric Acid is 100% food grade. It comes in the form of granular crystals, which allows it to dissolve quickly in liquid. Florida Laboratories, Inc for all your chemical needs! 

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