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you will receive 10 small bulbs from my garden

(Polianthes tuberosa) is a perennial herbaceous plant, from the asparagus family, native to Mexico, introduced to Europe and Asia, with a stem about 100 cm high and an underground stem in the form of bulb-tuber, large white flowers, yellow / yellow , pink / pink, pleasantly fragrant, blooming in July-September.
It is cultivated as an ornamental plant for cut flowers, and its essence with an exotic scent is included in famous perfumes.
In some countries flowers and bulbs are used as a remedy in the treatment of some diseases.

In Mexico, tuberose was frequently cultivated for the fragrance of courtyards and gardens, and was a component of bridal bouquets.
The Aztecs cultivated it to extract an essential oil that was used to perfume chocolate.
Being cut, they can be kept in water for 2-3 weeks.

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