30 Hungarian Wax Pepper Seeds 2 Generation Cycle

This variety of seed has not been maintained well in the commercial setting resulting in floppy and slow growing plants. I have improved this variety of my seed from when I first started with them to produce more and bigger fruit, to grow taller versus branching and have consistency in the heat produced.

Exceptional germination rate/time. See a recent study in the pictures.

Nearly 100% germination tested 1/7/23.

These seeds are from this past year in 2022 and you will be growing them on a third cycle. They transplant well and are disease-resistant.

They go from green to orange to red and the heat is a 6 on a rating of 10. All my seeds under 100 units are packaged handpicked and only the best seeds are selected.

Give them a try.

Shipped via regular stamped mail to keep prices low. I take care of my customers so any issues will be taken care of guaranteed.