Tekkoryu (Hau Dragon) - a secret Chinese-based organization bent on world domination. After the rise of their new leader, Yuratei, the Tekkoryu come out of hiding and unleash the Hakkeshu - a band of giant robots with lethal weaponry and equally skilled pilots. Before their quest for domination, the Hakkeshu must recover one of their own mecha - Zeorymer of the Heavens, stolen from them 15 years ago by a turncoat member along with the frozen embryo of a genetically engineered pilot. Caught in the crossfire is Masato Akitsu, a teenager captured by a Japanese organization and forced to pilot Zeorymer. Teamed with a mysterious girl named Miku Himuro, Masato must use Zeorymer to battle each of the Hakkeshu; at the same time, he must figure out why he was chosen to pilot the mecha and why he is able to adapt to it so easily.
These two tapes contain the 4 episodes of the series
Episode 1 Project I: Separation
Episode 2 Project II: Misgivings
Episode 3 TProject III: Disillusionment
Rpisode 4 Project IV: Extinction
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