Additional Details ------------------------------ Subject keyword: Scriptures; Bible; the Word; prophetic word; premillennialism; mountain peaks of prophecy; second coming; rightly dividing the word; present evil world; dispensation; Lord Jesus Christ; Holy Spirit; Jews; Israel; gentiles; church; spirit world; end times; rapture; age of ages; spiritualism; resurrections; judgments; Satan; antichrist; satanic trinity; four gospels; seven churches of Revelation; apostles; Isaiah; Daniel; Ezekiel; Leviticus; prophets; Saint John; tribulation; Babylon the Great; pre-Adamic earth; renovation; covenants; mysteries; types and antitypes; feasts of the Lord; Great Pyramid; Scripture numerics; signs of the times; human history; creation; cosmic phases; antediluvian; post-diluvian; patriarchal; ecclesiastical; judgment; regeneration; messianic; heavenly tabernacle; Exodus; redemption; royal grant to Abraham; Daniel’s seventy weeks; God’s eternal purpose; kingdom of heaven parables; millennial land; threefold nature of man