Best Bar Game Room Cleveland Browns Sign framed w/COA

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Finally Something Different
This is the coolest framed team display you'll ever see.

What you see is made up entirely of Bottle Caps!
Check out the Close Up!

I make mosaics. I've made mosaics using poker chips, golf balls, photos, political buttons and playing cards to name a few. I have designed and sold mosaics for over 10 years to celebrities, athletes and museums. I've made mosaics for covers of well known magazines, music albums and company logos. My work has been featured in many news articles by outlets such as Coast To Coast AM, TMZ, The Rod Serling Foundation, Grand Illusions, Cover Magazine, Thrillist magazine and more.

What you see here is a print of a VERY cool team mosaic. The actual bottle cap mosaic using the actual bottle caps is not for sale here, if it were it would be valued at around $3500. You are buying a framed print that is 8.5 X 11 and is an awesome conversation piece to show the love for your favorite team in any room. Don't worry, you will be able to see all the detail in the bottle caps. That's what makes it so cool.

So unique. I will be selling a very limited amount of these. You will get a signed and numbered Certificate of Authenticity.

I also have 19 X 13 and 24 X 31 versions available through.

You will get the 8.5 X 11 borderless print in a modest frame ready to hang for display.
Sorry I don't have a choice of frames here, the real star is the limited edition print but I promise you it will be delivered framed. And the best part...

Everything Ships Priority mail.

Payment Back to Top
I accept the following forms of payment:
  • PayPal

Shipping & Handling Back to Top
$6.25 USPS Priority MailĀ®

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