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Product description: Preface
Exploring height psychology: the temptations of Jesus: Lk 4:1-13
Mobilizing the defiant power of the human spirit: Zacchaeus: Lk 19:1-10
Finding the personal life task: the rich young ruler: Mk 10:17-22
Filling the existential vacuum: the Samaritan woman: Jn 4:4-27
Resolving value conflicts: the paralyzed youth: Mk 2:2-12
Actualizing the self in responsible commitment: Simon the Pharisee: Lk 7:36-50
Realizing creative values: Peter: Mt 16:13-19; Lk 22:31-34, 54-62
Realizing experiential values: Mary & Martha: Lk 10:38-42
Realizing attitudinal values: the Bethesda invalid: Jn 5:2-15
Restoring man's dignity: the Gerasene demoniac: Mk 5:1-20
Exercising man's freedom: Jesus as servant: Jn 13:3-5, 12-16