This is a rare and potent work created by our own Andrew Naughton, an expert demonologist and Scholar versed in rare psychic attacks, directed energy meant to create Chaos and despair, dark targeting of individuals, demon attachments, entity attachments and hundreds of rare dark works. Andrew, entered our circle when one of the elder Scholars from England passed away a few years ago. He is a MASTER of halting energy attacks, psychic warfare, targeting, gang energy stalking and energy and mental manipulation. He has assisted Scholars in creating advanced works, however, now we have asked him to create works specifically for the highest protection of those who have asked for our assistance.
The connection from attackers is empowered by their need to attack you. This can be a long staning habir, purpose or need. Severing this connection will free you as well as them from this toxic exchange
Andrew says the constant exchange of your energies (which they benefit from) with their negative energies ( which you are damaged by) leave them feeling stronger and more balanced, while you suffer feeling drained, lacking any sort of motivation and without strengths.
This work will sever these ties and allow one to be "free" of the connection with toxic indivduals and enviroements that sap one's strengths, balance of energies and overall vitality. They will not longer be able to "feed" off of your energies and you will notice a quick return to harmony and balance again!!!!