You Are Buying 12 Cans 1 Case of LIQUID WRENCH Lubricant Oil GUNK L212 Aerosol Cans 11oz

Liquid Wrench Lubricating Oil

The Trusted Choice Since 1941

Tough and trusted Liquid Wrench Lubricating Oil with Cerflon stops squeaks, eases sticking parts, displaces moisture and inhibits rust/corrosion.

Long Lasting Lubrication

Liquid Wrench Lubricating Oil leaves a thin wet film of lasting lubrication while soaking into gaps and displacing all moisture. This product extends life and provides a long lasting coat of protection for all metal tools and parts.

Best Uses

Use on a wide range of hardware, tools and equipment such as hand and electric garden tools, exterior locks, small hinges, electric appliances, ignition and electrical wires.