Dino Dumpis a super-fun game for kids, based on the classic adult card game,S**thead. This time, Big Potato have cleaned up the name, added some cheeky dinosaurs and made it much easier to learn plus, they've included a bunch of scratch-n-sniff dino-poo forfeit stickers, just to make things interesting.
The aim of the game is to lose all your Dino Cards as fast as possible. Get caught with any in your hand by the end of the game and you'll have to wear a smelly sticker that smells a lot like a T-Rex poo we assume.
How do you play?
Start by dealing three cards to each player and laying them face-down in a row. Then deal three more cards to each player and place them on top of the face-down cards. Finally, hand each player a hand of three more cards.
The first player puts down any card they like. The next player must now play a number that's either the same number or higher. If a player can't go any higher, they have to pick up the