Roselle is a herb that Thai people
are familiar with.It is a tropical
plant found in many countries.The calyx
of the roselle flower is an herb that
is widely used in many countries.
The young leaves and young shoots of
the roselle can be eaten as food, added
to curries for a sour taste, flavoring,
or eaten raw as a vegetable.Roselle stems
can also be used to make hemp rope.The calyx
of the roselle flower is red.Generally used
as a colorant in food, wine, nectar.
In Thailand, fresh and dried leaves
and calyxes of boiled roselle are used
to cure cough, gallstones, fever, and bile
excretion using 30-60 grams of fresh leaves
boil or curry, use dried calyx 5-10 g
boiled water or brew hot water to drink.
- Roselle flowers 95%
- Pandan leaves 5%
Medicinal properties:
- Nourish the body
- Reduce blood pressure
- Reduce the level of fat in the blood.
- Eliminate toxins from the body
- Anti-inflammatory
How to brew: 1 tea bag soaked in 1 glass of hot water.
(Soak for 2-5 minutes. Use a spoon to gently massage
the envelope to dissolve, drink regularly, morning-evening)
**Caution in consuming all kinds of herbs :
Every herb has its own advantages and disadvantages.
Consumption should be used in the right amount.
If you have any underlying disease, you should
consult your doctor before consuming.
**Warning: pregnant women, people with
liver and kidney problems should avoid using
##thai #roselle #drink #herb #genuine