Nice to meet you, my old and new friends!

Welcome to my private collection of very special and unique items.


Exclusively by izida



ESP Enhancer the Sixth Sense or Psi Power

Astral Traveling

Lodolite Quartz Sphere

This Lodolite Quartz Sphere has been specifically spellcast to enhance the lucid dreaming state, ESP - your natural psychic abilities, and astral traveling.
Lucid dreaming occurs when part of your subconscious is still awake, thus allowing you to realize that you are dreaming. This can happen in many ways, you may be dreaming and not be aware of it untill something triggers your subconscious into recognition. The very first time it happened to me I was unaware I was dreaming untill I went to my vechicle, I realized that my vechicle is red and was not blue like the dream depicted. At that point I became instantly aware that I was dreaming and I took control and made things that I wanted to happen, happen. Once recognition of lucid dreaming is achieved the possibilities are endless.
You can than control your dreams, make contact with your animal totems, spirits, djinns, guardians and angels. You will be able to communicate to them so I suggest a dream journal to record your nightly dreams and visitations. Write down everything you remember in the journal FIRST thing every morning before you do anything else. I recommend this if you are truly going to master lucid dreaming. Keeping a dream/vision journal will help you make connections with other dreams and as well as can reaveal signifigant information to you.

As ESP Enhancer this sphere is a very potent and hard to conjure item that requires much patience when crafting it. It is used to stimulate your pineal gland and open your third eye. It will enhance your natural psychic abilities such as intuition, telepathy (mind reading), psychometry, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, empathy and trans-temporal operation as precognition (predicting the future) or retrocognition, and it aids greatly in a meditative state. Recieve information from a higher plane and ascend towards enlighenment.

This crystal sphere also works to bring out of body experiences better known as astral traveling. Astral projection is a form of out of body experience that occurs during lucid dreaming, deep meditation or at times of stress. The soul moves into as astral body, which moves free of the physical body in  parallel world known as the astral plane. It is ok if this happens to you, just remember to always be aware and stay attatched to the white cord that binds you to this realm.  If you have never astral travelled before you will be able to instantly see the cord that binds you so fear not. Use the sphere at night before you go to bed or into a deep meditation to invoke the powers of astral traveling.

To use this sphere to enhance the lucid dreaming state hold it for some time on your third eye, then place it under your pillow. Do this at night before going to bed to experience the profound effects of this enchanted quartz ball.
To use it to recieve information from a higher plane press it to third eye for few seconds as well do whatever you use to achieve your medative state. Relax your mind and body and tune out all other noises and sounds around you. Finally silence your own thoughts and listen to the universal information that is out there for all of us to learn, we only need seek it out.
Use this Lodolite ball daily to stimulate your third eye and pineal gland so that your natural psychic abilities are enhanced. Try and set aside 10 minutes daily to pracise opening your third eye and learn how to recieve information from higher places. A place where you are comfortable and will not be disturbed is best suited for this excercise.

I put alot of my personal energy into conjuring this sphere, it is imbued with the essence of my will, intention and strong magick.


You will receive also a free pouch with sacred plants fully charged with White Light Magic Energy! It will fully protect your Magical items from negative energies! Each my Magic Pouch with sacred plants has been blessed over and spelled by me. This pouch and these special plants are guaranteed to Recharge your Magical items so they will work at full Power! The Magic Pouch with sacred plants cleanse and recharge all of your Magickal Treasures and you may place one piece or several inside at once.


I offer only authentic Magickal vessels and I do not need to use things such as photo shop, music, fake flames or mist to sell my Magickal. I would never disrespect my Djinns and Spirits and their vessels by doing such things :)


Payment Policy

I accept PayPal and Stripe. Your item will be shipped as soon as payment is received.


FREE Worldwide Shipping!!

I ship all my items via Registered Mailâ„¢ with tracking number. Delivery time estimated within 7-22 business days. But this Shipping costs does not include insurance. If you want insured methods of shipping, please tell me BEFORE you pay.


By Legal Laws I am required to state the following: You must be 18 years old in the U.S. to purchase any Magic, Paranormal, or Psychic services. Services are considered purchased for the intentions of "entertainment only" by Law and this is not to be used as a substitute for professional care. I am also not responsible for any of harm from all the objects that I sell. You buy at your own risk. All of them are NOT in place of any treatment, legal aid, physician's care or advice of any kind. Please consult your GP or doctor for that. No specific result(s) can be guaranteed. I am not personally liable, in any way, for the results of the actions taken by the buyer. This is an "at your own risk" purchase. Any resulting effects in the real world you may or may not experience are in no way the responsibility of the seller. You agree to these terms and fully understand prior to making a purchase. As with all spirits, entries, and other magickals I can't be responsible for what happens or doesn't happen once you purchase your item.


Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Good luck and let all your paths will be blessed with

Peace and Love