(internal #DF233-81). One tooth from a real SPINOSAURUS Dinosaur (sail-backed dinosaur featured in Jurassic Park III), tooth is 2-1/8" long. Teeth may have some repair but are stable. Above is a photo of the fanged snout of a Spinosaurus, great jaws about a foot long! Genus: Spinosaurus Species: Aegyptiacus Period: Cretaceous (75-100 million years old) Locality: Taouz, Morocco, Africa Fossil Formation: Tegana Badder than the T. rex, Spinosaurus was a gigantic predator that stalked Africa. His head alone was almost six feet long! The whole animal measured up to 59 feet long, a dozen feet longer than the largest known T. rex and bigger than the previous record holder among carnivorous dinosaurs, Gigantosaurus. A full-grown adult stood 20 feet tall and weighed 9 tons. He had a fearsome ridge, or sail, down its back, a croc-like jaw, and strong, taloned arms to catch its prey. Spinosaurus was the LARGEST PREDATOR OF ALL TIMES. Look at photo above to see an example of how they look in matrix as they're being excavated.
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