
This Motorcycle Racing Biker Leather  Jacket/Trouser/Suit is made with Cowhide Leather 1.2~1.3mm, the  leather is milled grain. 8 inch connecting zip to join to  leather trousers. Suitable for all weather conditions; very  flexible and durable product.


Jacket Specifications

This Racing Motorbike Leather Jacket is slightly tight fitted  from waist. Jacket is less stiffer if wear without Motorcycle  pads.

Following are the features of this jacket:

We may customize your jacket by lettering it with your  name/brand name, customize the labels and/or graphics with your  personal requirements.


Trousers  Specifications

This Motorcycle Racing Biker Leather Trousers are slightly tight  fitted from waist.

Following are the features of this trousers:

We may customize your trousers by lettering it with your  name/brand name, customize the labels and/or graphics with your  personal requirements. We may also stitch your trousers to a  custom size to fit you the best.